The long pending demand of residents of Kancheepuram District for Check dam across the Palar River became a reality. The nearly three decade old proposal has been revived to rejuvenate aquifers on either side of the river beds and also prevent intrusion of sea water. This will augment the ground water supply for the agricultural fields around and enhance water supply to various drinking water schemes.
The Department of Atomic Energy, Water Resources Department of State PWD, District Administration and Indian Institute of Technology, Madras has technically and administratively finalized the alignment near Vayalur - Kadalur villages for construction of check dam with sub-surface dyke for harnessing flood water after detailed study and analysis.
The innovative design of this work was vetted and approved by IIT, Madras since the conventional check dam design would not serve the purpose due to its proximity to the sea and backwaters. The water stored and recharged through the innovative design could be used for domestic and agricultural purposes in the surrounding areas.
The project at an estimated cost of Rs.32.50 Crores was administratively sanctioned by Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) for full funding. MoU has been entered between General Services Organisation of DAE and Water Resources Department of State PWD and Bhoomi Pooja was performed on 25.2.2019 for commencement of work.
The check dam for a length of 1200m long of 1.50mtr height and a sub surface dyke to a depth of 8mtrs or upto impervious clay layer below the Body wall along with downstream side apron glacier for 7m length with end wall /toe wall and launching apron of 4.50m length was constructed. The work was proposed to be completed within a year i.e., on or before 31.3.2020, whereas the work was completed ahead of the envisaged schedule to store flood water in current season itself.
Now it is witnessed that the newly built check dam filled up, following a three day spell of rain in the last week of October and the perennially dry river Palar is brimming with water for a stretch of 4km on upstream side of newly built check dam. It is practically seen that the ground water level has improved and the salinity has dipped drastically in and around the villages on Palar river bed.
This check dam also expected to contribute to the socio-economic development of the villages around Kalpakkam.
During the interactive session, representatives of the villages has said that this has given a boost to their livelihood and thanked the IGCAR for taking this project as part of their CSR initiative.
The expected life time of the check dam is 60 years and State government will carryout the periodic maintenance…, according to Dr.Arun Kumar Bhaduri, Director of Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR).