Chennai, December 26, 2019
It is for the information of all concerned that the Office of the Welfare & Cess Commissioner (Central), Labour Welfare Organisation (Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry Region), Govt. of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Tirunelveli hitherto functioning at Door No.8/2A, St.Thomas Road, High Ground, Tirunelveli-627 011, Tamil Nadu shall henceforth be functioning with effect from 30th December, 2019 at:-
“Ground Floor, SIDCO Administrative Office Building at Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-600 032, Tamil Nadu”
Further, the Office of the Asst. Welfare Commissioner (Central), hitherto functioning at the Office of the Welfare & Cess Commissioner (Central), Tirunelveli henceforth be functioning with effect from 30th December, 2019 at:-
“Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Dispensary, situated at Door No.9/275-A, Anna Nagar, Near Community Marriage Hall, Alangulam-627 851, Tenkasi Dt.”, according to a press release issued by the Welfare & Cess Commissioner (Central), Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry.